Virginia (202) 466-6937

FTC Investigating Vitamin Shoppe Purchase of Super Supplements, Inc.

The FTC is once again intruding into the marketplace by investigating The Vitamin Shoppe’s planned $50 million acquisition of Super Supplements, Inc.  The specifics of the investigation are unclear because the FTC does not comment on investigations and Vitamin Shoppe’s brief statement concerning the investigation did not detail the reason for it, but stated that […]

FDA to Supplement Manufacturers: Confirm Safety of Direct Food Additive or GRAS NDIs

FDA recommends that dietary supplement manufacturers and distributors voluntarily consult with it concerning the safety of supplements containing high amounts of new dietary ingredients (“NDIs”) that are approved direct food additives or GRAS. An NDI notification must be submitted to FDA at least 75 days before selling a dietary supplement if the dietary supplement contains […]

Current FDA Appears Not to Follow FDA’s Informal Two-Click Policy

During the Bush Administration, FDA had an unwritten and informal enforcement policy that allowed a website selling dietary supplements to link to scientific literature discussing nutrients in those supplements and diseases, provided that the page containing the scientific literature was at least “two clicks” away from product pages in question.  That Bush era policy appears […]

FDA Requests Comments on Food Allergen Thresholds

Today, FDA published a notice in the Federal Register informing the public that it is requesting comments and information on conducting a risk assessment to establish regulatory thresholds for major food allergens.  77 Fed. Reg. 74485 (Dec. 14, 2012).   Comments must be submitted by February 12, 2013. The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act […]

FDA Granted Broad Authority to Regulate Stem Cell Clinics

The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia previously held that an individual’s own cultured stem cells constituted both a drug under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”) and a biological product under the Public Health Service Act (“PHSA”) subject to FDA regulation.  U.S. v. Regenerative Sciences, LLC, 2012 WL 2989988 at *6 […]

Second Circuit Invalidates FDA Regulation of Drug Advertising on First Amendment Grounds in Landmark Decision that Portends Far Reaching Effects

On Monday, December 3, 2012, in a 2-1 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled “that the government cannot prosecute pharmaceutical manufacturers and their representatives under the FDCA for speech promoting the lawful, off-label use of an FDA-approved drug.”  See United States v. Caronia, — F.3d —, 2012 WL 5992141 (2d […]

FTC Burden of Proof Offends the First Amendment

By Jonathan W. Emord As Bethany Kennedy explains in her recent post, the Federal Trade Commission’s staff expects advertisers of health benefits to possess competent and reliable scientific evidence in advance of advertising a health benefit claim.  In particular, that means an advertiser must have written evidence on hand before advertising.  The absence of the […]

FTC Staff’s Two Clinical Trials Standard Likely to Continue Even if POM Wins

In the POM Wonderful case, the FTC ALJ rejected FTC staff demands that certain claims there in issue had to be backed by at least two well-designed clinical trials or they would be deemed deceptive.  The issue is before the full Commission and will be decided on January 18, 2013.  Even if the full Commission […]

Whether evaluating a concept, performing regulatory due diligence, maintaining or prosecuting regulatory filings, or contesting adverse litigation, Emord & Associates provides exceptional counsel for all your litigation and regulatory needs.

Virginia (Firm HQ)

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Clifton, VA 20124
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